I am going on vacation for a month. I will miss you all very much. Wish you and your family Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
Friday, December 4, 2009
Magnetic Island is situated just offshore from the city of Townsville. The island is accessible from Townsville to Nelly Bay by ferry operated by Sunferries. There is a large 27 km national park and bird sanctuary and excellent walking tracks can be taken between the populated bays and to a number of tourist destinations such as the World War II forts.
The name of the island came about because of the apparent "magnetic" effect it had on the ship's compass of Captain Cook as he passed the island when sailing up the east coast of Australia in 1770.
People have since explored the general area of Magnetic Island with various instruments to discover what might have caused the effect that Cook reported, but nothing has been discovered.
One of the most distinctive inhabitants of Magnetic Island is the native bush stone-curlew - a bird with a piercing cry which has awakened many a visitor in the night when they are most active. Koalas are relatively common on the island and can easily be found on the famous Forts Walk.
The island has long become established as a holiday destination with many hotels and several resorts in operation to cater for all levels of service.
Picnic Bay was named after its popularity as a picnic spot for European tourists from the mainland during the 1800s, before Magnetic Island was first inhabited by Europeans. In the mid-1800s the island became a popular location for the collection of hoop pine, stone and coral needed for development on the mainland.
In 1875 the island was set aside as a quarantine station although it took another ten years for the proper facilities to be set up at West Point.
Nelly Bay is a village of Magnetic Island and a suburb of the City of Townsville. A tourism hub on the island is especially significant as the site of the ferry terminal, which links it to Townsville.
Nelly Bay is also home to Magnetic Island's largest infrastructure development, Magnetic Harbour, also known as Nelly Bay Harbour.
Arcadia is a village and town of Magnetic Island. Arcadia is more residential focused with around 97% of the dwellings being Housing or unit type dwellings. Arcadia is also home to Alma Bay and Geoffrey Bay, which is the Island's most well known beaches. Horseshoe Bay is a village on Magnetic Island, Queensland, Australia. It is considered the tourist strip of the island. From September 2006, Horseshoe Bay is also a major accommodation and recreation centre of Magnetic Island. People enjoy by swimming, surfing and boating.
Magnetic Island is a very popular tourist place in Townsville. It is the perfect destination for relaxing on the beach and staying in exotic resorts. I have been there thrice and still feel like visiting the island again. About 3,000 people are residing in Magnetic Island and it is like a small township where everything is available. It is one of my favourite place and shall visit again when time permits.
Monday, November 30, 2009
It was back in 1972 when Ken Bannister, dubbed himself as T.B. (Top Banana) of the International Banana Club. This native Southern Californian handed out banana stickers at photo conventions as Vice President of a manufacturing corporation and everyone smiled and started sending him things to do with bananas. He is the founder of the I.B.C.(International Banana Club). Today, there are more than 17,000 submissions and artifax in the Banana Club Museum in Altadena, California.
Ken has spent 10 years with the Campbell Soup Company as a Sales Manager, then served two different manufacturers as Corporate President. He is a well-known marketing and sales expert,a humorist and lecturer,an accomplished professional photographer,and someone who inspires people to think positively. He is a funny person who knows the power of a sincere smile and being real. He feels "you are not fully dressed unless you put a smile on." He is currently with Century 21 Real Estate in Arcadia, California.
Until this past year, the majority of the membership of this bunch has come from the photographic industry. Now, due to world-wide media exposure to the many positive benefits of membership, this club is "Going Bananas" around the world. There are members in twenty-seven countries, Corporations and School Teachers across the U.S. are using the Banana Club to motivate and encourage employees and students. Organizations around the globe are using the Banana Club as a vehicle to get attention, recognize membership, and to motivate employees, friends and family.
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Super Falcon is a submarine with wings. It is the brainchild of British inventor Graham Hawks. The sub is capable of diving to depths of 1,500 feet, achieving breakneck speed of up to six knots (~7MPH or some really kinky bondage), and travelling approximately 25 nautical miles on a battery charge. It is advanced enough to go barrel-rolling with dolphins, spy-hopping with whales or searching for sunken galleons.
Thursday, November 19, 2009
Saturday, November 14, 2009
Jawaharlal Nehru was born on November 14, 1889 in Allahabad, central India. Nehru was born the eldest child of Swarup Rani and the prominent advocate and early leader of the Indian Independence movement Motilal Nehru. The Nehru family came of Kashmiri Brahmin stock and their gotra was Kaul. Motilal had moved to Allahabad many years before and developed a successful legal practice. He was also an active member of the fledgling Indian national movement led by the Indian National Congress. Nehru and his two sisters—Vijaya Lakshmi and Krishna were brought up in a large mansion, Anand Bhavan, and were raised predominantly in the English custom, then thought necessary by the Indian elite. They were also taught Hindi, Sanskrit and given grounding in the Indian classics.
Jawaharlal Nehru was an Indian statesman who was the first, and has been the longest-serving prime minister of India to date, having served from 1947 until 1964. A leading figure in the Indian Independence movement, Nehru was elected by the Congress party to assume office as independent India's first Prime Minister, and later when the Congress won India's first general election in 1952. As one of the founders of the Non-aligned Movement, he was also an important figure in the international politics of the post-war era. He is frequently referred to as Pandit Nehru ("pandit" means "scholar" or "teacher").
The son of a wealthy Indian barrister and politician, Motilal Nehru, Nehru became a leader of the left wing of the Indian National Congress when still fairly young. Rising to become Congress President, under the mentorship of Mahatma Gandhi, Nehru was a charismatic and radical leader, advocating complete Independence from the British Empire. In the long struggle for Indian independence, in which he was a key player, Nehru was eventually recognized as Gandhi's political heir. Throughout his life, Nehru was also an advocate for Fabian socialism and the public sector as the means by which long-standing challenges of economic development could be addressed by poorer nations.
Nehru was given the singular honour of raising the flag of Independent India in New Delhi on 15 August 1947, when India gained Independence. Nehru's appreciation of the virtues of parliamentary democracy, secularism and liberalism coupled with concerns for the poor and under privileged are recognized to have guided him in formulating policies that influence India to this day. They also reflect the socialist origins of his worldview. His long tenure was instrumental in shaping the traditions and structures of Independent India. He is sometimes referred to as the 'Architect of Modern India.
Nehru took the Cambridge entrance examinations in 1907 and went up to Trinity College, to study natural sciences. Hel stood second in his Tripos and graduated in 1910. The famously liberal atmosphere of the University also encouraged him to participate in a host of extra-curricular activities and has been noted as having been a key influence on his general outlook. He then enrolled at the Inner Temple for his legal studies in October 1910.
Jawaharlal Nehru passed the final examination in 1912 and was called to the Bar later that year at the Inner Temple. He returned to India soon after to set up a legal practice.
Jawaharlal Nehru was a passionate advocate of education for India's children and youth, believing it essential for India's future progress. His government oversaw the establishment of many institutions of higher learning, including the All India Institute of Medical Sciences, the Indian Institutes of Technology and the Indian Institutes of Management. Nehru also outlined a commitment in his five-year plans to guarantee free and compulsory primary education to all of India's children.
Nehru oversaw the creation of mass village enrollment programmes and the construction of thousands of schools. Nehru also launched initiatives such as the provision of free milk and meals to children in order to fight malnutrition. Adult education centres, vocational and technical schools were also organized for adults, especially in the rural areas.
Jawaharlal Nehru remained the Prime Minister of India for 17 long years and can rightly be called the architect of modern India. He set India on the path of democracy and nurtured its institution – Parliament, multi-party system, independent judiciary and free press. He encouraged Panjayati Raj institutions. With the foresight of a statesman he created institutions like Planning Commission, National Science Laboratories and laid the foundation of a vast public sector for developing infrastructure for industrial growth. Besides, developing the public sector, Nehru also wanted to encourage the private sector to establish a social order based on social justice he emphasised the need of planned development.
Education to Nehru was very important for internal freedom and fearlessness. It was Nehru who insisted if the world was to exist at all; it must exist as one. He was generous and gracious. Emotional sensitivity and intellectual passion infused his writings, giving them unusual appeal and topicality even today.
Jawaharlal was a prolific writer in English and wrote a number of books like ‘The Discovery of India’, ‘Glimpses of World History’. His autobiography, ‘Towards Freedom’ (1936) ran nine editions in the first year alone. Emotional sensitivity and intellectual passion infused his writings, giving them unusual appeal and topicality even today. He was awarded Bharat Ratna in 1955.
Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru's love for children and his faith in their strength rightly earned him the name "Chacha Nehru.” His birthday, November 14, is aptly commemorated as Children's Day. He believed that children are the future of the nation. He served as India’s first Prime Minister from 1947 until he died in May, 1964.
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Riverway is a riverfront parkland attraction located in the Condon Suburb of Townsville that opened in July 2006. It stretches along 11km of the Ross River, with areas at Pioneer Park, Loam Island, Apex Park and Ross Park at the Ross River Dam.
The areas of Riverway that have been completed are Pioneer Park and Loam Island.
Riverway is connected directly to the Thuringowa Central business district via a pathway along the foreshore.Village Boulevard is the name of the road into Pioneer Park and forms the city/park integration. From the car park it extends through the park as a pedestrian spine that follows the rivers edge and forms the heart of Pioneer Park.
The Tony Ireland Stadium is part of the second stage of Riverway and consists of an international standard AFL and cricket stadium with a capacity of more than 10,000 people.
Riverway Arts Centre is a geographical formation with a grass roof that incorporates the parkland without a decrease in the amount of grassed area. It also lowers the interior temperature by reducing the roof surface temperature.
Riverway offers a dynamic combination of cultural, sports, leisure, residential and commercial activities. With two huge swimming lagoons, the Riverway Arts Centre, Pinnacles Gallery, the Riverwalk and parklands, there truly is so much to explore.
In most of the weekend I visit riverway and enjoy by relaxing and walking around.
I am a very cheerful, friendly and fun loving girl and have a great passion for travelling as I love to explore new places, love cooking, reading books, writing Hindi poems and English articles by which I am able to express my thoughts and feelings.